The Concept and Justification Behind the Cardiovascular Health Study
According to Dr. Calvin Hirsch , this was the largest study to date looking at the impact of several cardioprotective medicines on mortality. The individuals were chosen based on their age and self-reported cardiovascular illness. However, the Cardiovascular Health Study has many drawbacks. Because of the small sample size, several patients were removed. Other participants were omitted due to the small sample size, however these restrictions were addressed by rigorous data analysis. Continue reading to discover more about this study. The study's goal is to evaluate frailty in individuals with NYHA class III-IV heart failure. It enrolls patients in a cardiac rehabilitation program with the goal of increasing their functional independence and frailty. Participant eligibility requirements vary every trial, but may include age, gender, illness type, stage of disease, and past therapies. These criteria may not apply to all individuals, but they may be suggestive of the health of coronar...